Monday, November 3, 2008

Dan In Real Life

I kinda liked this one. Liked it for 3 reasons:

1) There were some drawbacks but surprisingly, none of them bothered me. The plot was really simple and there were absolutely no surprises. The resolution felt rushed and even included a few trite moments (like when his lovesick daughter randomly went from hating his guts from the depth of her soul to engaging herself his cause once he demonstrated he was really in love). I found myself able to look past these things easily and I'm still not sure exactly why. Probably because of the overall feel of the film. I felt like I was watching real people in a real family and a real house, and I appreciated that it actually made me laugh out loud a couple of times.

2) I found it very refreshing to watch a story involving adult siblings and a large extended family. They support each other, tease each other, and laugh together. I realized that Hollywood doesn't portray this scenario often....But it's something I can relate to and something I love.

3) Watching Steve Carell be funny without having to worry every minute about him popping out something crude. I think he is a talented actor and it was just nice to not be on edge or have the thought that I shouldn't be watching this....and I think you all know what I mean.


Beckalita said...

I liked this movie also. It reminded me of the Rogers family reunion two years ago, when we all stayed in a cabin together. It was just like this except X about 100. Also, we didn't have anyone dating someone else's fiance. Also, we didn't have any teenage girls - well, we had teenage girls - they just weren't fighting with any dads. Also, I don't think anyone was dating when they were too young....

TeamDall said...

I really love this movie. Like a lot. Everytime I watch it, I wish with all my heart that my family or Jer's family or our family had a cabin. I felt like the movie really captured the positive support of an extended family. My favorite parts were: the family crossword puzzle, family talent show, and Dan making lunch for all his girls before they left for the trip.

Also, I really like Juliette Binoche, except she bugged me sometimes and I almost wish her roll had been played by someone else like Sandra Bullock (ie While you were sleeping) or old school Meg Ryan. Maybe I should get out of the '90's.

Good pick. I'm glad you liked it.

Angie said...

Loved it. We actually got it from Redbox a second time because Jeff and I thought it was so well put together. I thought it had all the elements that made you actually feel involved in the movie, like you cared about the characters, which is becoming more and more rare, at least for me.

Did one of those times when you laughed out loud involve the dryer in the "special room"?

Emily said...

Yes. I think that was one of them, actually. The other one I know for sure made me laugh was when he fell off the roof after escaping the shower, which is so slapstick, I'm surprised I found it so funny. Maybe it was just my mood at the time.

Tom said...

I saw this several months ago and I would classify it as one of those "Get it for the wife/feel good/chick flick/romantic comedy" movies. It really was different to watch Steve Carell as a normal nice guy. I kept waiting for him to say "That's what she said" but his character was a likeable, mellow guy in this movie. I didn't buy the chemistry between him and Binoche and I have a hard time with love at first sight idea so it was hard for me to believe the predicament they were in after only knowing each other for a few hours. Overall it was a nice movie. I enjoyed the family closeness portrayed in the movie and how real they seemed. I rate it 6.6 out of 10.